Monday, February 27, 2006

Hard Truths

Geography does not change a person. No matter how much an environment predisposes an individual to an action, removing the person from that place will not alter who they really are. A crack addict does not kick his habit just by moving across the country; he takes it with him. A sinner in the company of saints does not get saved by osmosis. A truly changed life comes from within, where the Spirit of God cleanses and transforms us.

My flesh is just as it was when I stepped out of my front door on January 4, 2006. I am no different now than I was then. Wisconsin hasn’t changed me, Systematic Theology II hasn’t changed me, Grace Baptist Church hasn’t changed me, Northland hasn’t changed me. Only God changes me.


Thursday, February 23, 2006


Well, here I am.

I promised myself I would forgo writing anything online until I got my paper done for Corinthians class. It was due at midnight on February 23, 2006. I delivered it at 11:24 PM, thirty-six minutes ahead of schedule. Such was my exultation at this fact that I felt compelled to slide down the Atrium banister. Which I, of course, did.

Primarily, I would like to thank God for bringing me to a place such as this where my assignments consist of truly meaningful things, like twelve pages on spiritual gifts. Secondarily, I want to thank Jon Bladine for his invaluable assistance in composing that horrid Turabian format. Cougars and foxes work well together, it appears. (*PV joke*)

And now, having bored you with two paragraphs of only slightly relevant backstory…To the true point. I gave up my old blog for many reasons, foremost of which was the lack of significant writing that I submitted. The bits I posted on xanga were mostly just a record of personal life events with no learning, insight, or spiritual application. This is something I would like to change, which brings me to the title. You know, that spiffy little one-liner at the top that God gave to Habbakuk a couple thousand years ago.

I’ve done no real study or exegesis on the verse, but it calls to mind a simple illustration. “Make it plain upon tables.” No convoluted linguistics, no verbal gymnastics; simply a straightforward recording of whatever God gives me to say.

“That he may run that readeth it.” In Habbakuk’s day, when sudden events of great consequence occurred, the important news was often sent by runner. That is what I am asking Christ to do here. I want the things that are recorded to inspire others, to give them the same mindset that the runner would have. “This is important! I have to tell someone! This news must be spread!” I pray that what is written here will be an encouragement to others, and that I will grow closer to Christ as I pursue this.

Stamp Thine own image/Deep on my heart.